Apr 6, 2014

FireChat : "off-the-grid" way to Chat

Sunday, April 06, 2014 Posted by Ashwani , , , , , 2 comments

Today when messaging is main-stream because of mobile applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, LINE and many more, offering free messaging over internet (from 2G to 4G, or your wifi). Before this to sent a SMS you was limited to 160 character per message, and it's cost is almost equal to cost of normal calling charges. But with internet messaging apps you can chat for free (you just have to pay for data connection, again which cost is too too less compared to standard message rates), which are not even limited to 160 character.
But even to use these messaging apps you must have an active internet connection either cellular network or wi-fi network to transfer messages. Here comes the "off-the-grid" way to chat - FireChat; chat without internet connection. Yes even no cellular connection is required, not even mobile phone coverage.
Currently FireChat is only available for Android and iOS (Store links below). As per description of application on Store, this application is based upon the Multipeer Connectivity Framework (Apple iOS) for iOS, and for Android it built upon Open Garden's Mesh technology, which is an extend of the Multipeer Connectivity Framework to Android platform. These technologies connects all nearby devices to form a peer-to-peer network which allows to transfer messages across all devices. So instead of transferring your messages via network, your messages will be passed on to next device within your reach (limited to 30 Feet only because of hardware limitation).

About Application

This is a completely new concept for messaging and surely an "off-the-grid" approach as they claimed. But as for now it's not cross platform, means either you should be on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch (iOS 7 Family Devices), or you should be using Android device. Android users can't interact with iOS users and vice-verse. Image sharing functionality is only yet available for iOS devices.
You can chat in two modes - 1. Everyone, 2. Nearby
Everyone mode will allows you to interact with everyone who is using this app, surely it will be messy, because you will be receiving all messages sent around any corner of the world.
Nearby mode allows you to create a group of limited perimeter (30 Feet), and all people within this circle can interact with each other. For example you are watching a Match in stadium, you can use this app to share cheer-up messages for your team, which will be visible in that stadium to anyone within reach. This actually defines the potential of the app, suppose you are in a stadium, and another person, sitting on your opposite side (out of reach), but if there is a link possible between you all by other persons within reach, then still you  can interact with that guy on your opposite side. This may even change how we communicate digitally, we may not even need satellites for connection, by use of this mesh network.


  1. Quite interesting ! Just installed the app. Review coming soon.

  2. Try to use it... doesn't work without internet... so useless until you wish to chat with random strangers abusing each other :P
