Mar 29, 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 Beta released. Better Unity

Saturday, March 29, 2014 Posted by Unknown , , , , , No comments
I upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 Beta yesterday and this post will cover its installation and new features.

Getting Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Beta

Make sure you're on Ubuntu 13.10 a.k.a. Saucy Salamander.
Fire up a terminal (alt+ctrl+T) and write :
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
This will make your system up-to-date. Once its done, run
sudo update-manager -d
Follow the onscreen instructions. It'll take time in downloading and installing the new packages.

New Features 

  • Border less windows
    This is the feature I love the most, specially for the terminal window. You can tweak the related settings from the CompizConfig Settings Manager. The default window has a shadow, which I removed from ccsm.

    Transparent Windows are so much fun now !

  • Even smaller Dash Icons
    Go to System Settings >> Appearance and you can make the icons very tiny - upto 16 pixels.

  • Search for window 
    Have multiple windows open on the same workspace ? Just press Windows+W to get an overview, and start typing a window name and Unity will pick it up for you. Its cool. You can do the same for windows of the same app by clicking on its icon on the dash.

  • The lock screen and greeter integration.
    This one is also nice. The lock screen now looks exactly like the login screen which is of course beautiful.
  • A new pop-up
    This must be specific to those having a combo audio jack for headphone and mic, but was absent in 13.10

    Apart from these, you get the usual upgrade benefits like latest versions of software, new wallpapers and a better working dash search.

    Also remember this is an LTS release and with Ubuntu for mobile development side by side, you can't expect fireworks.

    I liked Trusty and its worth trusting. The upgrade went smoothly and everything works ! Will you upgrade yet ? Do comment.


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