Feb 22, 2014

Why did Facebook buy Whatsapp for $19 bn?

Saturday, February 22, 2014 Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments

If $19 bn does not seem a huge amount to you just because of the small no. of characters it can be spelled with, let's convert that into Indian Rupees

19,000,000,000 US Dollars = 11,80,47,00,00,000 Indian Rupees 

Well I've no damn idea how to even spell that.
So why did Facebook spent such humongous amount of money on a messaging startup ?
Before I put my points, here's what Mark Zuckerberg has to say :

Our mission is to make the world more open and connected. We do this by building services that help people share any type of content with any group of people they want. WhatsApp will help us do this by continuing to develop a service that people around the world love to use every day.

Well that's so sweet of you Mark ;)

And what is Facebook going to do with WhatsApp ?
Well, according to Mark, NOTHING.

WhatsApp will continue to operate independently within Facebook. The product roadmap will remain unchanged and the team is going to stay in Mountain View.

And according to Jan Koum , co-founder of WhatsApp, again, NOTHING.

Here’s what will change for you, our users: nothing.

So the question still remains : Why 19 billion dollars for nothing ?
Well according to me,

Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19bn to end its rivalry.

Facebook messenger has been there for quite a long time, but still in some regions like in India, everyone uses WhatsApp. Facebook can't just wait and watch regions with such huge number of users go to its rival.

There are some pretty straightforward reasons for people opting for WhatsApp.
  • Just your phone number identifies you and everybody having your number is automatically connected
  • No Ads. Of course, trying to sell you nothing.
  • No Games or walls or any thing extra. Just Messaging.
  • Free
  • Easily send files
  • Groups
WhatsApp was intended to be just a replacement for SMS , and its simplicity paved the way.

If you were the CEO of facebook, would you have bought WhatsApp for such an amount ? Do comment. 

Looks like that's not the end of story. Soon after Facebook bought WhatsApp, WhatsApp's servers went down.


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