Feb 23, 2014

$19 bn just to turn down Whatsapp ?

Sunday, February 23, 2014 Posted by prolific , , , , No comments

It's not even a week when the very famous giant company, Facebook bought WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars. And soon after this news, WhatsApp's server went down for about 4 hours.

Here is what WhatsApp tweeted during the outrage:

sorry we currently experiencing server issues. we hope to be back and recovered shortly.

It's not vague to say that just when the WhatsApp's server went down, the number of visitors increased to a great extent on WeChat, Line, Viber and most importantly on Facebook. What were you trying to do Mark ? It looks like a wise step taken by Mark just to increase visitors on Facebook.
Know why Facebook bought Whatsapp for $19 billion and share your views with us. Is it just a coincidence that soon after facebook bought Whatsapp, it's server went down or it was some business strategy by Mark Zuckerberg ?


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