Mar 6, 2014

FreeKall : Make free voice calls without internet

Thursday, March 06, 2014 Posted by prolific , , , No comments

Guess what, you always wanted to make free voice calls to your friends and family but end up using services like Skype, Viber or Google Hangouts. But these services are not completely free because they all are dependent on good internet connection which in no way is free or easily available everywhere.

With FreeKall, you can make free voice calls to your friends. Not even an internet connection is required. Wherever you are just make a missed call to a number and the company will call you asking the number of your friend and then you will be connected to your desired person for no cost. Talk as much as you like.

Till now the company was in beta testing phase which is now over and all the services are temporarily suspended. From 15th April, 2014 they are going to launch the final product through which registered users would be able to make unlimited voice calls. That's amazing, Right ?

FreeKall is a company started by three engineering students of Banglore, India. And there is only once catch in this. You only have to hear a 10 second advertisement during the call for every 2 minutes. But seriously, for making free calls anytime and from anywhere, this would not be a big problem.

Tell us what you think about this amazing service. Do you think this company can help people stay connected ? Your views really matter to us, so share them with us via your comments.


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