Mar 2, 2014

Design your Gnome 3 UI Your Way

Sunday, March 02, 2014 Posted by prolific , , , , , , No comments

Recently i installed gnome 3 into my system which is running Ubuntu. In the past i used gnome 2 and unity but never got a chance to try gnome 3. Finally after the installation when i got my hands on it, the only thing that came into my mind was "WOW! Now that's called Beauty at it's best".

Soon after I started using it, I found a bug. The text in the menus was incomplete. It was cut half vertically. I asked my friend, Anshul if he knows anything about it but fate had something more kept for us. So we started searching for it's fix all over the internet. While searching for the fix i found that gnome 3 is having it's UI designed in CSS and i was like "What ! Am I Drunk ?". As soon as we read this, we understood that all we have to do is change the CSS to fix this issue and that's what happened. We finally fixed it. Later i thought that this is something i should share with my blog readers. I should tell the people about the power of Gnome 3.

All you have to do is:
  • Open terminal and type
sudo gedit /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css
  •  Make the changes in the opened CSS file and save it. (Please be careful to not make wrong changes else the UI may stop working. It is always advisable to make a backup of the CSS file before making any changes)
  • Now press Alt-F2 and type rt (This will reload the theme and not the entire gnome-shell. If you are a developer and you often make changes then this will help you a lot in testing things)
  • Voilla! Now you can see the effect of all the changes you made. 
Design it but be careful because "With great power comes great responsibility". Don't forget to share your views with us.


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